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Bonsai Styles

It is important for you to remember, as a beginner, that no single bonsai style is the “right” style. Bonsai is meant to be a representation of a tree in nature. Crafting a bonsai masterpiece is tantamount to how YOU view that tree. You are not learning from a bonsai master, you are simply being given instruction on how to create your own bonsai. What you make of it lies simply in your own mind. There are two general styles of bonsai: the classic (koten) and the informal or ‘comic’ (bunjin). In the former, the trunk of the tree is wider at the base and tapers off towards the top; it is just the opposite in the ‘bunjin’, a style more difficult to master. When you start a bonsai, always remember that you are working with a living plant. Look carefully at its natural characteristics and you may discern within them a suitable style, or styles.

  1. All You Need To Know About Bonsai ‘How bonsai works’

  2. How to look after my bonsai

  3. Amazing Bonsai Masterpieces

  4. Important this to do become bonsai master

  5. Amazing Bonsai Images

  6. How to make a bonsai design easily


  8. Principles of Bonsai

  9. Bonsai Groth PRINCIPLES

  10. Bonsai Types

  11. Bonsai Watering

  12. Creating A Bonsai For The First Time.

  13. How to grow your own Bonsai

  14. Trunk and Nebari Rules

  15. Rules Of Branches

  16. Pots And Culture Rules