
  1. The tree should be placed behind the mid line of the pot, and to the left or right of the center line.
  2. The depth of the pot should be the caliper of the trunk, except for cascades.
  3. Colored glazed pots should be used for flowering and fruiting trees and the colors should complement the flower color.
  4. The width of the pot should be 2/3 the height of the tree. For very short trees, the width should be two thirds the spread of the tree.
  5. Style of the pot should match the tree. Uprights without much movement should be in rectangular pots, informal uprights with a lot of trunk movement should be in oval or round pots. Massive trees should be in deep rectangular pots.


  1. Soils should be uniform, not layered.
  2. Fertilize full strength.
  3. Water from above not by submerging; this will prevent the buildup of salts.
  4. Increase humidity by using a tray of pebbles and water or by keeping the area under the bench wet, not by misting.
  5. Remove most of the ‘fines’ from any soil mix, using only coarse particles.
  6. Water when the plants need to be watered, not by a fixed schedule.
  7. Keep temperate climate plants outside. Only tropical and subtropical plants (for the most part) are suitable for indoor bonsai. Temperate climate plants must be given an appropriate period of cold dormancy if they are to be kept indoors.